AEM Peers |
Sample AEM Peer 1 |
Sample AEM Peer 2 |
Sample AEM Peer 3 |
Sample AEM Peer 4 |
Sample AEM Peer 5 |
Sample AEM Peer 6 |
Sample AEM Peer 7 |
Sample AEM Peer 8 |
Sample AEM Peer 9 |
Sample AEM Peer 10 |
Sample AEM Peer 11 |
Sample AEM Peer 12 |
CASE InsightsSM on Alumni Engagement collects data from
institutions globally, and had 376 respondents in its 5th year. The 2023
survey collected data based on the fiscal year. Review the Alumni
Engagement Institutional Characterstics table for the reporting cycle
per institution. This presentation outlines your institution’s data
alongside aggregate data from the overall survey population and your
Self-Selected Peers. Data are presented in a standardized format, using
data from both the full and minimal versions of the survey.
CASE global AEM survey enables institutions to measure alumni engagement
across four modes: Philanthropic, Volunteerism, Experiential, and
Communications. The framework was created by a volunteer task force of
alumni relations professionals and defines alumni engagement as
activities that are valued by alumni, build enduring and mutually
beneficial relationships, inspire loyalty and financial support,
strengthen the reputation of the institution and involve alumni in
meaningful activities. Access the Guidance Document for specific inclusions
and exclusions across the four modes.
An executive overview will be written by the CASE Insights team with the purchase of presentation calls. If your purchase includes calls, this section will be populated after your preview call with the CASE Insights team.
CASE Insights on Alumni Engagement enables institutions to measure alumni engagement across four modes: Philanthropic, Volunteerism, Experiential, and Communications. Please see the Alumni Engagement Findings section for definitions of what is counted in each of the four modes according to the CASE Global Reporting Standards.
While Percentage Engaged is a helpful measure of alumni affinity, the following views provide benchmarks to understand the engagement (or unengagement) of your legally contactable alumni. The categories below are percentages of legally contactable alumni. Please note, these shares may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Use the Data tab to see more precise values.
The charts below show the percentage of engaged alumni in each mode
who give. The Data tab shows the “Confidence Level” reported by each
institution for each mode of engagement.
The charts below display median data from 6 of your peers which responded to this optional question (Sample AEM Peer 2, Sample AEM Peer 3, Sample AEM Peer 4, Sample AEM Peer 7, Sample AEM Peer 11, Sample AEM Peer 9).
Respondents were asked to provide a Confidence Level for
Communication, Experiential, and Volunteer modes of engagement.
Responses indicate the level of confidence that the data captured are
representative of institutional activities and events. The chart below
shows an aggregate of your peers’ confidence levels. Select the data tab
to see individual institutions’ confidence levels.
Sample Institution reported Confident for Volunteer data, Somewhat confident for Experiential data, and Somewhat confident for Communication data.
Alumni by Category shows a breakdown of seven alumni categories by the percentage and count of legally contactable alumni. If a respondent completed the minimal version of the survey, they will only have Degreed and Non-Degreed/Other categories.
Legally contactable alumni includes anyone who is not marked as deceased, is contactable (via mail, phone, or email) and does not have a total (for all purposes and by all means) no contact status. Because of privacy laws, individuals may specifically need to provide opt-in consent to allow the institution to be in touch with them. In those cases, only individuals who provided such consent would be counted as legally contactable. Each category is based only on degrees to your institution.
This was an optional survey question.
Alumni Relations staff includes a count of full-time equivalents (FTEs), including both salaried and hourly employees. Staff specifically identified as advancement staff (regardless of where they report) are allocated to alumni relations on a percentage basis, based upon the work they do. For example, someone who is a full-time alumni relations staff person is counted as 1. Alternatively, if someone works in advancement and is split 50/50 between alumni relations and fundraising; that individual is allocated as 0.5 in this calculation, regardless of whether the person actually reports to alumni relations, the central advancement office, president or vice-chancellor, dean, foundation, career services, or association. Individuals who are not considered advancement staff, but who may spend some time on alumni relations (such as a faculty member) are not counted in this total. Temporary staff or volunteers such as student callers, individuals who help with mailings, or those who work at fundraising/alumni events are not included.
This was an optional survey question. The following graph shows the scatter plot of Contactable Alumni and Alumni Relations Staff FTE. Each dot on the graph represents a single institution with different colors representing your institution, your peers, your region, and All Respondents participants.
The “Average Relationship” regression line quantifies the relationship between Contactable Alumni and Staff FTE for All Respondents Participants institutions. It can be interpreted to be the average number of Alumni Relationship Staff for a given amount of Contactable Alumni. If a dot is above the line, that means the institution has more staff than the survey average for that amount of Contactable Alumni. Dots below the line, suggest the institution has less staff than the survey average for that amount of Contactable Alumni.
This was an optional survey question. The following graph shows the scatter plot of Alumni Engaged Any Mode and Alumni Relations Staff FTE. Each dot on the graph represents a single institution with different colors representing your institution, your peers, your region, and All Respondents participants.
The “Average Relationship” regression line quantifies the relationship between Alumni Engaged Any Mode and Staff FTE. It can be interpreted to be the average number of Alumni Relationship Staff for a given amount of Alumni Engaged. If a dot is above the line, that means the institution has more staff than average for that amount of Alumni Engaged. Dots below the line suggest the institution has less staff than average for that amount of Alumni Engaged. Exactly half the institutions will be above the line and half will be below.
The median data for All Respondents Participants has been converted to your institution’s local currency.
NOTE: This was an optional question.
The measurement of alumni relations expenditures only include the staff and non-staff direct costs involved in alumni relations activities. Thus, the costs included here are the costs of staff expenditures, and other programming and operational costs that comprise the alumni relations function. These are the actual expenditures incurred for the fiscal year, not the original budget. For the purposes of these expenditure questions, costs exclude the indirect costs associated with alumni relations. For example, exclude academic staff and administrative staff who may sometimes play a role in alumni relations and who are NOT included in the staff FTE calculation, the costs associated with the recruitment of students, or the promotion of the research activities of your institution.
Percentage Engaged by ANY mode is a metric which divides the number legally contactable alumni by the number of alumni who were engaged by at least one of the four modes. Review engagement by each mode for insight into how the 38,506 alumni are engaged with your institution.
Hover over each institution’s Change in Engaged Alumni to explore changes in engagement by mode.
Sample Institution reported 35,701 alumni (13.9% of legally contactable alumni) engaged through Communication.
This chart shows the percentage change of engaged alumni by each degree type. For example, a 10% increase in Undergraduate Alumni may reflect an increase from 100 engaged alumni to 110 engaged alumni. Hover over each Institution to see the change in alumni counts.
Some of your peers’ data may not be included in the chart below due to inconsistencies.
This is an option question, first introduced in the 2023 reporting cycle. This graph is most useful when categories in the graph are viewed in isolation or in smaller groups. To isolate a single category, double click on the legend for the category you are interested in viewing. To look at a smaller group of categories, click once on the legend for each category you want to remove.
Communication Engagement, for purposes of the AEM survey is defined as “interactive, meaningful and informative communication that supports the institution’s mission, strategic goals and reputation.” Specifically included in this count would be individuals who participated in any of the following activities as examples:
Sample Institution reported 3,571 alumni (1.4% of legally contactable alumni) engaged Experientially.
This graph is most useful when categories in the graph are viewed in isolation or in smaller groups. To isolate a single category, double click on the legend for the category you are interested in viewing. To look at a smaller group of categories, click once on the legend for each category you want to remove. Some of your peers’ data may not be included in the chart below due to inconsistencies.
This chart shows the percentage change of engaged alumni by each degree type. For example, a 10% increase in Undergraduate Alumni may reflect an increase from 100 engaged alumni to 110 engaged alumni. Hover over each Institution to see the change in alumni counts.
Some of your peers’ data may not be included in the chart below due to inconsistencies.
This is an option question, first introduced in the 2023 reporting cycle. This graph is most useful when categories in the graph are viewed in isolation or in smaller groups. To isolate a single category, double click on the legend for the category you are interested in viewing. To look at a smaller group of categories, click once on the legend for each category you want to remove.
The AEM survey asked respondents to provide counts of alumni who attended at least one in-person event, at least one virtual event, or both during FY2023. This chart shows the percentage of contactable alumni who fit into the three categories. NOTE: This was an optional question.
Experiential engagement, for purposes of the AEM survey is defined as “meaningful experiences that inspire alumni, are valued by the institution, promote its mission, celebrate its achievements and strengthen its reputation.” Specifically included in this count would be individuals who participated in any of the following activities as examples:
Sample Institution reported 2,509 alumni (1.0% of legally contactable alumni) engaged as Volunteers.
This chart shows the percentage change of engaged alumni by each degree type. For example, a 10% increase in Undergraduate Alumni may reflect an increase from 100 engaged alumni to 110 engaged alumni. Hover over each Institution to see the change in alumni counts.
Some of your peers’ data may not be included in the chart below due to inconsistencies.
This is an option question, first introduced in the 2023 reporting cycle. This graph is most useful when categories in the graph are viewed in isolation or in smaller groups. To isolate a single category, double click on the legend for the category you are interested in viewing. To look at a smaller group of categories, click once on the legend for each category you want to remove.
Volunteer engagement, for purposes of the AEM survey is defined as “formally defined and rewarding volunteer roles that are endorsed by and valued by the institution”.
Specifically included in this count would be individuals who participated in any of the following activities as examples:
Sample Institution reported 2,574 alumni (1.0% of legally contactable alumni) engaged philanthropically.
This chart shows the percentage change of engaged alumni by each degree type. For example, a 10% increase in Undergraduate Alumni may reflect an increase from 100 engaged alumni to 110 engaged alumni. Hover over each Institution to see the change in alumni counts.
Some of your peers’ data may not be included in the chart below due to inconsistencies.
This is an option question, first introduced in the 2023 reporting cycle. This graph is most useful when categories in the graph are viewed in isolation or in smaller groups. To isolate a single category, double click on the legend for the category you are interested in viewing. To look at a smaller group of categories, click once on the legend for each category you want to remove.
Philanthropic Engagement is defined as financial support that is meaningful to the donor and supports the institution’s mission and strategic goals. Alumni who are philanthropically engaged are individuals who received either a legal credit, hard credit, direct contribution credit, soft credit, or recognition credit, inclusive of outright gifts and pledge payments within the fiscal year. This also includes gifts of life insurance or premiums paid to support those, when the institution is the owner and beneficiary of the plan; the tax deduction allowed for newly established charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, and pooled-income funds. Also count gifts from IRAs.
To keep the data comparable, only institutions that provided data on alumni that participated in all four modes for all years between 2021 and 2023 were included in this section. The resulting sample sizes are 8 Peers (Sample AEM Peer 2, Sample AEM Peer 3, Sample AEM Peer 4, Sample AEM Peer 6, Sample AEM Peer 7, Sample AEM Peer 1, Sample AEM Peer 8, Sample AEM Peer 9), 100 Sample Country/Region institutions, and 136 All Respondents.