CASE Insights Strategic Benchmarking Report on
Philanthropy (Canada),

Prepared for Sample Institution

April 2024


About this Report

Self-Selected Peers

CCAE Peers
Sample CCAE Peer 1
Sample CCAE Peer 2
Sample CCAE Peer 3
Sample CCAE Peer 4
Sample CCAE Peer 5
Sample CCAE Peer 6
Sample CCAE Peer 7
Sample CCAE Peer 8
Sample CCAE Peer 9
Sample CCAE Peer 10

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About CASE Insights on Philanthropy (Canada)

The CASE Insights on Philanthropy (Canada) (formerly the CASE-CCAE Support of Education Survey, Canada) is conducted in partnership with CCAE (The Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education) and is the authoritative source of data on giving to Canadian colleges, institutes, and universities. The survey collects data on funds received and committed, donor populations and gift bands, charitable purposes, and staffing. The survey:

* Provides an industry standard model for measuring and reporting fundraising outcomes.

* Provides participants with standardized data to benchmark year-over-year fundraising progress, make reliable apples-to-apples comparisons with peer institutions, and inform fundraising strategy.

* Helps institutional leaders set goals, assess performance, build capacity, and make informed, strategic decisions regarding investments in advancement.

* Raises the profile of higher education advancement in Canada and increase public understanding of the role of philanthropy in supporting Canadian students and institutions.

* Provides data to help measure the impact of public policy and inform advocacy initiatives supporting educational advancement in Canada and globally.

In its 6th year, the 2023 survey collected data from 42 Canadian colleges, institutes, and universities.

CCAE Data Sharing Agreement

The data in this report is provided to Sample Institution for internal benchmarking and to inform strategic decision making. Data from charts and downloadable source data should not be published or disclosed to individuals or organizations outside of Sample Institution . Data included here should be handled in compliance with the CASE-CCAE Survey Data Sharing Agreement signed as part of the survey process.


The Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE) has partnered with CASE on the CASE-CCAE Survey and agrees to the terms of use of the CASE database as described below.Agreement between the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (“CASE”) and the Institution indicated below (the “Institution”) individually a Party and together the Parties. The Parties hereby agree in consideration for the rights granted by CASE to the Institution and the rights granted by the Institution to CASE:

1. Definitions

The following definitions apply in this agreement:

Data means the data comprising the questionnaire responses provided by the Institution to CASE in respect of the 2022 CASE-CCAE Survey of Charitable Giving to Higher Education in Canada;

Database means that database of data comprising disaggregated questionnaire responses and information provided by Sharing Institutions and the data and information contained therein;

Survey means the CASE-CCAE of Charitable Giving to Higher Education in Canada conducted by CASE in partnership with CCAE (“Canadian Council for Advancement of Education”);

Survey Collaborators means CASE, CCAE, and such other organizations as is approved by CASE subject always to the confidentiality provisions set out in clause 3;

Tool means the online reporting tool accessible at the website address notified by CASE to the Institution providing access to the Database;

Sharing Institution means an institution that has agreed to the terms contained in this Agreement.

2. Rights

2.1 CASE hereby grants the Institution a right to access the Tool and use the information contained in the Database solely for the Institution’s internal benchmarking or performance for the term of this Agreement, subject always to Clause 3.

2.2 The Institution hereby grants CASE and CCAE:

2.2.1 a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free, worldwide license to use the Data for the purposes of the Survey subject to the terms of this Agreement; and

2.2.2 a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free, worldwide license to sub-licensee the Data to the Survey Collaborators for the purposes of the Survey; and

2.2.3 a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free, worldwide license to sub-licensee the Data to other Sharing Institutions for the purposes of internal benchmarking of performance.

3. Confidentiality

3.1 The Institution shall:

(a) keep confidential the Database and/or information obtained from the Tool;

(b) not disclose to third parties, without the express prior written consent of CASE, the Database and/or information obtained from the Tool;

(c) ensure that no publication of Database and/or information obtained from the Tool occurs without the prior express written consent of CASE; and

(d) disclose the Database and/or information obtained from the Tool which is provided by CASE to the Institution for internal benchmarking or performance, only to those persons necessary for the purposes of such internal benchmarking and only to the extent necessary for the proper performance of their duties.

3.2 The Institution shall ensure that the obligations in clause 3.1 are observed by its employees, students, officers and agents and by any other party retained by the Institution and any other party who engages in the internal benchmarking or performance at the instigation of the Institution.

3.3 The Institution shall notify CASE immediately if it becomes aware of any disclosure in breach of the obligations in this clause 3. At the request of CASE, the Institution will take all such steps as are necessary to prevent further disclosure.

3.4 The provisions of this clause 3 shall not apply to:

(a) any information which is in the public domain at the date of this agreement or which subsequently comes into the public domain other than by breach of this agreement or any other confidentiality agreement; or

(b) any information already in the possession of the Institution at the date of this agreement, other than under an obligation of confidentiality; or

(c) any information obtained without any obligation of confidence from a third party that is not in breach of a confidentiality agreement with the Company concerning the information obtained;

(d) the extent information is required to be disclosed by law, by any governmental or other regulatory authority or by a court or other authority of competent jurisdiction provided that, to the extent it is legally permitted to do so, it gives the other party as much notice of such disclosure as possible and, where notice of disclosure is not prohibited, it takes into account the reasonable requests of the other party in relation to the content of such disclosure.

3.5 On termination of this Agreement, the Institution shall erase all Database and/or information obtained from the Tool from computer and communications systems and devices used by it, including such systems and data storage services provided by third parties (to the extent technically practicable).

3.6 CASE gives no warranty of any kind in respect of the Tool or the Database and all statutory and implied warranties, terms and conditions are excluded to the full extent allowed by law.

3.7 The provisions of this clause 3 shall be deemed effective from the time of signing of this agreement and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter.

4. Duration and Termination

4.1 This Agreement shall come into force on the date of signature below and shall remain in force until the earlier of:

(a) three months after CASE has served a notice to the Institution; or

(b) the date of any breach by the Institution of the terms of this Agreement; or

(c) 14 days after the date of any notice of breach of this Agreement by CASE as notified by the Institution.

Executive Overview

An executive overview will be written by the CASE Insights team with the purchase of presentation calls. If your purchase includes calls, this section will be populated after your preview call with the CASE Insights team.

Institutional Characteristics

Philanthropy (Canada)

Philanthropy Overview

New Funds Committed

New Funds Committed provides a comprehensive measure of the impact and effectiveness of fund-raising efforts in a given year, capturing the value of new cash gifts, gifts of securities, gifts of real property, and other gifts in-kind as well as the total value of new gift commitments and pledges committed for up to five years duration. The measure excludes some philanthropic income received in the reporting year, notably payments on pledges committed in prior years.

Change in New Funds Committed

This graph examines Percentage Change, which was calculated by setting the first year of CCAE participation since 2019 as the baseline. If your institution first submitted data in any year after 2019, that will be the base year. The Peer Median is calculated using only institutions which participated in the CASE-CCAE survey in all of the last three years.



Funds Received

Funds received in a year includes all cash which arrives during the year including new single cash gifts, cash payments received against pledges committed in this or previous years and cash from legacies. It reflects philanthropic revenue from fundraising conducted in the reporting year as well as income from gift commitments from prior years.

Change in Funds Received

This graph examines Percentage Change, which was calculated by setting the first year of CCAE participation since 2019 as the baseline. If your institution first submitted data in any year after 2019, that will be the base year.



Total Donors (New Funds Committed)



Philanthropy Findings

New Funds Committed

New Funds Committed (NFC) are new monies and property committed in the reporting year from any individual or qualified organization. This includes new outright gifts, new documented pledges for up to 5 years, new irrevocable planned gifts received or committed, and new qualified and documented bequests / legacy intentions if the donor is age 65 or older.

Outright gifts include:

  1. Cash gifts (one-off) without pledging involved
  2. Documented value (as of the date of transfer to the institution) of gifts of shares, appreciated securities, bonds, and other financial instruments. This value may differ from the amount received when the item is sold at a subsequent date.
  3. Documented value of gifts in-kind, including artwork, real estate, etc. This value may differ from the amount received when the item is sold at a subsequent date.

New Funds Committed excludes cash received in-year from pledges. Bequest commitments are not counted in funds committed, due to the level of uncertainty as to when the funds may be received.

New Funds Committed, 2023

Sample Institution reported $35,403,599 New Funds Committed in 2023. This was more than the median of your self selected peers ($18,135,911) and more than the median of your reporting group ($14,317,086).

Sample Institution had 6% change in New Funds Committed between 2022 and 2023. For comparison, your Peers had a median change of 9% and your reporting group had a median change of -6%. Change in New Funds Committed from 2022 to 2023 was calculated as the difference in 2023 NFC and 2022 NFC, divided by 2022 NFC. A positive number indicates that New Funds Committed increased during the period while a negative number indicates that New Funds Committed decreased.



New Funds Committed per Student FTE

New Funds Committed was divided by student full time equivalent (FTE) for the 2023 data. This serves to normalize the impact of institution size on funds committed, which provides a more equitable comparison.



New Funds Committed by Gift Band

This was an optional survey question.



Change, 2022-2023

This chart shows the change in new funds committed for each gift band between 2022 and 2023. Gift bands with positive percentages reflect where new funds committed increased from 2022 to 2023 and gift bands with negative percentages reflect where new funds committed decreased.


Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details
Click to Expand Data: Change 2022-2023

Sources of New Funds Committed, 2023

This was an optional survey question.


Note: The sums of new funds committed from each source for comparison groups may not match the total new funds committed in previous charts due to calculations.



Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details


  • Alumni- Former students—full-or part-time, undergraduate, or graduate—who have earned some credit toward one of the degrees, certificates, or diplomas offered by the reporting institution.
  • Other Individuals- This category includes current students, parents, governing board members, faculty, staff, and any other individual who would not classifiable as “Alumni” by the above definition. Donors that fall into both Alumni and Other Individual should be classified as Alumni.
  • Corporation- Corporations, businesses, partnerships, and cooperatives organized for profit-making purposes, including corporations owned by individuals and families and other closely held companies. This category includes company-sponsored foundations—that is, those created by business corporations and funded exclusively by their companies—as well as industry trade associations.
  • Trusts and Foundations- Corporations, businesses, partnerships, and cooperatives organized for profit-making purposes, including corporations owned by individuals and families and other closely held companies. This category includes company-sponsored foundations—that is, those created by business corporations and funded exclusively by their companies—as well as industry trade associations.
  • Other Organizations- All organizations not defined herein as foundations or corporations. This includes Donor Advised Funds, which are an entity that is not a community foundation. Donor Advised Funds are included as Other Organizations because not all institutions were able to break out Donor Advised Fund giving from other organizations in 2022. For years prior to 2022, Donor Advised Funds were included in “Other Organizations”.

Purposes of New Funds Committed, 2023

This was an optional survey question.


Note: The sums of new funds committed for each purpose for comparison groups may not match the total new funds committed in previous charts due to calculations.



Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details

Funds Received

Funds Received are monies and property received within the reporting year from any individual or qualified organization. This includes outright gifts, payments received to fulfill pledges made in the current or previous years, irrevocable planned gifts at face value, and realized bequests/legacy intentions. It reflects philanthropic revenue from fundraising conducted in the reporting year as well as income from gift commitments from prior years.

Funds Received, 2023

Sample Institution reported $30,795,052 Funds Received in 2023. This was more than the median of your self selected peers ($21,279,464) and more than the median of your reporting group ($13,827,160).

Sample Institution had -12% change in Funds Received between 2022 and 2023. For comparison, your Peers had a median change of 8% and your reporting group had a median change of 7%. Change in Funds Received from 2022 to 2023 was calculated as the difference in 2023 FR and 2022 FR, divided by 2022 FR A positive number indicates that Funds Received increased during the period while a negative number indicates that Funds Received decreased.



Funds Received per Student FTE

Funds Received was divided by student full time equivalent (FTE) for the 2023 data. This serves to normalize the impact of institution size on funds committed, which provides a more equitable comparison.



Funds Received by Gift Band

This was an optional survey question.



Change, 2022-2023

This chart shows the change in funds received for each gift band between 2022 and 2023. Gift bands with positive percentages reflect where funds received increased from 2022 to 2023 and gift bands with negative percentages reflect where funds received decreased.


Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details
Click to Expand Data: Change 2022-2023

Largest, Non-Bequest Gift (Funds Received)




Bequest intentions for 2022-2023 are reported from donors age 65 or older during the fiscal year (CASE Global Reporting Standards 4.1). Prior to Fiscal Year 2021-2022, bequests did not have an age minimum.

Bequest Intentions




Bequests Received as a Percentage of Funds Received





Contactable Alumni and Donors

Contactable alumni are living alumni for whom you have a current postal address, email address, or phone number anywhere in the world and whom you are not prohibited from contacting. Sample Institution reported 237,688 contactable alumni in 2023. This was more than the median of your self selected peers (231,446) and more than the median of your reporting group (143,863).

Sample Institution reported 2.0% of contactable alumni in 2023 were donors. This was more than the median of your self selected peers (1.0%) and more than the median of your reporting group (1.5%).



Change in Alumni Donors, 2022-2023



Donor Populations

This was an optional survey question.




Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details

Donor Populations by Grad Cohort

This was an optional survey question.



Donors by Gift Band (Funds Received)

This was an optional survey question.




Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details

Donors by Type and Gift Band (Funds Received)

This was an optional survey question.


These graphs further breakdown the giving data by showing the donors by Source over each of the Giving Bands. This view of the data displays how much each source contributes to each giving band.


Million Dollar Donors (Funds Received)






In 2023, Sample Institution reported 127 total staff FTEs. This was below the 72 staff FTE median of your peers. For fundraising staff, Sample Institution’s 61 staff was above your peers’ 28 median fundraising staff FTEs.




Staff are allocated to either fundraising or alumni relations, depending on which area comprises the majority of their role. Those with equally split roles were attributed 50:50 between the two categories.

Fundraising/Development staff whose duties include:

  • Annual giving
  • Major/principal gifts
  • Planned giving
  • Corporate and foundation relations
  • Central development, college or faculty‐based development
  • Campaign management
  • Donor stewardship

Alumni Relations staff whose duties include:

  • Building long‐term relationships with alumni to develop champions of the institution’s mission
  • Organizing, promoting, and maintaining membership in clubs and chapters
  • Organizing and holding alumni events such as class reunions, homecoming, and meetings of alumni boards and committees
  • Organizing, promoting, and conducting noncredit instructional programs for alumni
  • Providing special programs
  • Any other duty that enhances participation in the institution’s activities and mission

Advancement Management staff whose duties include:

  • Chief advancement officers and their support staff
  • General operations staff such as receptionists, office managers, and human resources professionals who function as part of the advancement program and provide general support for all advancement functions inclusive of advancement services, alumni relations, communications and marketing, and fundraising/development.

Note: support staff who work exclusively for a functional area would be counted within each appropriate category instead of Advancement Management.

Advancement Services staff whose duties include:

  • Database management
  • Reporting and data insights
  • Prospect research
  • Gift processing
  • Gift agreement templates
  • Recognition policies

Communications/Marketing (directly supporting Alumni Relations and Fundraising) includes staff whose duties include:

  • Keeping the institution’s external audiences informed of activities, achievements and priorities to build public support on behalf of advancement
  • Promoting alumni programs, including events, reunions, clubs, and noncredit instructional programs
  • Direct marketing
  • Public relations on behalf of advancement
  • Preparing, producing, distributing and evaluating print and digital literature, such as websites, newsletters, brochures, case statements, and proposals

Contactable Alumni per Alumni Relations Staff FTE



Fundraising Staff FTE and New Funds Committed


NFC per Fundraising Staff FTE
