CASE Insights Strategic Benchmarking Report on
Voluntary Support of Education,

Prepared for Sample Institution

May 2024


About this Report

Self-Selected Peers

VSE Peers
Sample VSE Peer 1
Sample VSE Peer 2
Sample VSE Peer 3
Sample VSE Peer 4
Sample VSE Peer 5
Sample VSE Peer 6
Sample VSE Peer 7
Sample VSE Peer 8
Sample VSE Peer 9
Sample VSE Peer 10
Sample VSE Peer 11
Sample VSE Peer 12
Sample VSE Peer 13
Sample VSE Peer 14
Sample VSE Peer 15
Sample VSE Peer 16

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About CASE Insights on Voluntary Support of Education

CASE InsightsSM on Voluntary Support of Education (formerly VSE) is the authoritative source of data on giving to higher education institutions in the US with 64 years of rigorous survey data. Nearly 1,000 institutions respond each year. The 2023 survey collected data for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023 (with a few institutions reporting on different fiscal calendars). Data shown are cash received, not pledges or commitments. Access the Guidance Document for specific inclusions and exclusions across the survey.

Key findings from the survey are from US and a small number of Canadian institutions. Data are presented in a standardized format with minimal analysis. Further analysis can be provided by the CASE Insights Strategic Benchmarking Report and Benchmarking Cohort groups, both which include an individualized call with your institution. Contact the CASE Insights Team for more information.

Executive Overview

An executive overview will be written by the CASE Insights team with the purchase of presentation calls. If your purchase includes calls, this section will be populated after your preview call with the CASE Insights team.

Institutional Characteristics

Philanthropy (US)

Philanthropy Overview

Funds Received

Funds Received includes:

  • Gifts and grants to your institution, both for current operations and for capital purposes, regardless of form (cash, products, property, securities, etc.)
  • Gifts and grants to affiliated foundations and organizations created to raise funds for the institution
  • Securities, real estate, equipment, property, or other noncash gifts, to be evaluated at the fair market value placed on them by an independent appraiser, not the cash income therefrom
  • Deferred gifts (but not pledges of bequest intentions)
  • Cash surrender value of life insurance contracts
  • Insurance premiums paid by donors
  • Cash payments returned as contributions from salaried staff

Funds Received

This view shows Funds Received over a 10-year period. Between 2014 and 2023, your institution increased by $721,644.


This view ranks Funds Received among Peers. Over the last 10 years, Sample Institution moved down -3 rank among peers. Your highest ranked year was 2015 and your lowest ranked year was 2021.


Click to Expand Data: Funds Received
Click to Expand Data: Funds Received Ranking

Fund Received per Student FTE - Ranking

Funds Received per FTE provides a lens for benchmarking based on current enrollment. This view ranks Total Support per FTE among Peers. In this analysis, Sample Institution’s highest ranked year was 2015 and Sample Institution’s lowest ranked year was 2023.
In 2023, Sample Institution moved down 1 spot(s) from the previous year.



Compound Annual Growth Rate

2023 gift income from Funds Received for Sample Institution was 6.2% higher than 2014 Funds Received.

The data below shows this information as a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), which calculates the average annual percentage growth over time, smoothing out atypical growth or loss during the period. Cumulative growth is calculated for your institution and your Peers as the percentage change each year relative to 2014, the first year Sample Institution submitted data in any year after 2014.

Between 2014 and 2023, Sample Institution had a CAGR of 0.7%. For comparison, Peers that participated in the VSE survey in 2014 and 2023 had a CAGR of 3.9%.



Percent of Funds Received from 12 Large Gifts

In 2023, 22.7% of Funds Received came from the three largest gifts from Bequests, three largest gifts from Corporations, three largest gifts from Foundations, and three largest gifts from Individuals. Please note that largest gifts from Donor-Advised Funds (collection beginning in 2022) and Other Organizations are not displayed in the data below.



Philanthropy Findings

Funds Received

Funds Received

Sample Institution decreased gift income by 48% between 2022 and 2023, from $23,585,306 to $12,347,579. For comparison, 50.0% of Peers and 42.6% of All Respondents had positive change in gift income between 2022 and 2023.

Funds Received Minus 3 Largest Gifts

These charts show trends excluding the three largest gifts from bequests, individuals, corporations, foundations, or donor-advised funds. This view helps to exclude large gift outliers, however outliers may still be present if the largest gifts came from Other Organizations.

In the charts below, Sample Institution increased gift income minus the three largest gifts by 2% between 2022 and 2023, from $10,289,525 to $10,505,438. For comparison, 50.0% of Peers and 42.5% of All Respondents had positive change in gift income minus the three largest gifts between 2022 and 2023.


Click to Expand Data: Funds Received
Click to Expand Data: Funds Received Minus 3 Largest Gifts

Growth in Funds Received


Growth is calculated for your institution, your Peers, and All Respondents as the percentage change each year relative to 2014, the first year Sample Institution submitted data in any year after 2014. In the chart below, Sample Institution increased gift income by 6% between 2014 and 2023.

Growth Minus 3 Largest Gifts

This chart shows trends excluding the three largest gifts from bequests, individuals, corporations, foundations, or donor-advised funds. This view helps to exclude large gift outliers, however outliers may still be present if the largest gifts came from Other Organizations.

Growth is calculated for your institution, your Peers, and All Respondents as the percentage change each year relative to 2014, the first year Sample Institution submitted data in any year after 2014. In the chart below, Sample Institution increased gift income minus the three largest gifts by 16% between 2014 and 2023.


Click to Expand Data: Cumulative Growth
Click to Expand Data: Cumulative Growth Minus 3 Largest Gifts

Funds Received by Gift Band


This was an optional survey question. This was a new question in 2022.

Change, 2022-2023

This was an optional survey question. Only institutions which responded to this question in both 2022 and 2023 are displayed below.


Click to Expand Data: Details
Click to Expand Data: Change 2022-2023

15 Large Gifts as a Percentage of Funds Received

In 2023, of Sample Institution’s gift income came from the three largest gifts from each source: Individuals, Bequests, (for 2022+) Donor Advised Funds, Foundations, and Corporations. For comparison, 39% of your Self-Selected Peer’s and 29% of All Respondents’ gift income came from the fifteen largest gifts in 2023. Major gifts are a large portion of your overall support. Pay careful attention to giving bands to ensure enough donors are continuing to upgrade into mid and major giving levels.




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Largest gifts refer to the accumulated totals for the year (including any newly established irrevocable deferred gifts - CRTs, CGAs, pooled income funds, or remainder interest in property at face value). So, if a donor writes multiple separate checks during the year, it is the sum of those gifts that should be used to determine if the donor is one of the three largest.

  • Alumni: Total gift amounts from the three largest living individual donors in descending order. Use hard credit
  • Bequests: Total gift amounts from the three largest estates in descending order. Credit gift to the decedent, not to an organization. This category includes only realized bequests, not bequest intentions.
  • Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs): Gifts hard-credited to Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs). DAFs managed by the institution also fall in this category. This includes gift income payments made by university-sponsored DAFs, not the funds used to establish them.
  • Foundations: Includes personal and family foundations and other foundations and trusts, including community foundations (but not DAFs) that are private tax-exempt entities operated exclusively for charitable purposes. It does not include company-sponsored foundations, which fall under the category “Corporations.”
  • Corporations: Includes corporations, partnerships, and cooperatives that have been organized for profit-making purposes, including corporations owned by individuals and families and other closely held companies.This column should also include gifts from company-sponsored foundations, gifts from industry trade associations, and the corporate component of matching gifts

New Funds Committed

New Funds Committed

This was an optional survey question. New Funds Committed was first asked in the survey in 2022. New Funds Committed includes New Pledges, Outright Gifts (not associated with a pledge), and New Revocable Bequest Intentions.

New Pledges

New Pledges (previously Outstanding Pledges) includes up to five years of a multi-year pledge, even if they were partly paid this year. This section uses data from the full version (as opposed to the minimal version) of the VSE and/or is an optional question. If an institution did not answer this question, their data will not populate for this answer. This data is optional and may not contain results from all peers.

New Pledges Details


Click to Expand Data: New Funds Committed
Click to Expand Data: New Pledges
Click to Expand Data: New Pledges Details

Philanthropic Support by Source


Please note that Other Organizations includes Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) starting in 2022. Previously to 2022, Other Organizations did not include DAFs.

Your Institution Change, 2022-2023 (%) Peers Change, 2022-2023 (%) All Respondents Change, 2022-2023 (%)
Alumni 6.2% -18.1% 1.7%
Corporations -77.6% 51.3% 30.7%
Foundations 8.9% 50.1% 15.3%
Non-Alumni -56.7% -32.1% -3.5%
Other Organizations -4.5% -6.7% 24.3%

Please note the table above examines change in respondents who responded in both 2022 and 2023, and so may differ from the charts above.



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Click to Expand Data: Details


  • Alumni: Former students – full- or part-time, undergraduate or graduate – who have earned some credit toward one of the degrees, certificates, or diplomas offered by the reporting institution.
  • Non-Alumni Individuals: Hard-credit gifts from persons who are not classifiable as “Alumni.”
  • Foundations: personal and family foundations and other foundations and trusts, including community foundations (but not DAFs) that are private tax-exempt entities operated exclusively for charitable purposes. It does not include company-sponsored foundations, which fall under the category “Corporations.”
  • Corporations: Includes corporations, partnerships, and cooperatives that have been organized for profit-making purposes, including corporations owned by individuals and families and other closely held companies. This category also includes gifts from company-sponsored foundations, gifts from industry trade associations, and the corporate component of matching gifts.
  • Other Orgs/DAFs: Gifts from all other organizations not defined as “Foundations” or “Corporations”. These would include entities previously coded as religious organizations or fundraising consortia as well as civic organizations, or other charities or universities. This includes gifts hard-credited to Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs). Do not credit the individual for such gifts, and do not include them in foundations or companies, regardless of where the assets are managed. DAFs managed by the institution also fall in this category. Only report as gift income payments made by university-sponsored DAFs, not the funds used to establish them.

Alumni Donors

In 2023, Sample Institution had 2,830 Alumni Donors. Your Peers had a median of 2,862 Alumni Donors, and All Respondents had a median of 2,366 Alumni Donors.


Your Institution Change, 2022-2023 (%) Peers Change, 2022-2023 (%) All Respondents Change, 2022-2023 (%)
Alumni Donors -17.1% 7.6% 10.8%

Please note the table above examines change in respondents who responded in both 2022 and 2023, and so may differ from the charts above.



Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details


  • Legally Contactable Alumni, Not Solicited: living alumni, for whom you have a means of contact (phone, postal address, or email address), and who does not have a total “no contact” status (for any purpose or by any means) and are not part of Alumni Solicited or Alumni Donors.
  • Alumni Solicited Not Donors: Number of alumni who were contacted in some formal manner (mail, email, phone call, visit, etc.) during the reporting year but did not make a contribution during the reporting year
  • Alumni Donors: Number of alumni who made one or more contributions during the reporting year. This includes both hard and soft credit counts.

Revenue per Alumni Donor

Revenue per Alumni Donor divides Funds Received from alumni by the number of alumni donors. It can provide you a measurement of how much revenue alumni, on average, are supporting your institution.



Family Foundation Giving

Family Foundations are those that have been established and continue to operate as the conduits for the charitable donations of an individual or immediate members of a family. This section uses data from the full version (as opposed to the minimal version) of the VSE and is an optional question. If an institution did not answer this question, their data will not populate for this answer.




Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Family Foundation Giving Details

Philanthropic Support by Purpose


Your Institution Change, 2022-2023 (%) Peers Change, 2022-2023 (%) All Respondents Change, 2022-2023 (%)
Build/Equip/Prop -45.4 43.8 -10.7
Current Ops (R) -7.8 -9.9 2.5
Current Ops (U) -29.7 -16.9 2.9
Deferred Gifts 33.3 n/a n/a
Endowment (R) -71.1 1.6 -11.4
Endowment (U) n/a -51.4 0.0
Loan Funds n/a n/a n/a
Total -48.8 9.8% 9.1%

Please note the table above examines change in respondents who responded in both 2022 and 2023, and so may differ from the charts above.



Click to Expand Data: Summary
Click to Expand Data: Details


  • Build/Equip/Prop (Buildings, Equipment, Property) - Outright gifts of either real or personal property for the use of the institution; gifts made of or for buildings, other facilities, equipment, and land for use by the institution. Cash designated to procure this type of property.
  • Current Ops (R) - Funds that the donor restricts for use in a particular department or a specific use.
  • Current Ops (U) - Funds received without any restriction placed on their use by the donor(s). Unrestricted funds here apply to all funds for which the donor has not designated a specific unit/recipient area and that the institution or foundation can spend for purposes of its choosing.
  • (Newly Established) Deferred Gifts - Count only irrevocable Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs), Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs), Pooled-Income Funds, and Remainder Interest in Property.
  • Endowment (R) - Funds that the donor uses to establish or add to an endowment restricted to a specific use, such as to endow a scholarship or faculty chair.
  • Endowment (U) - Funds that the donor restricts to endowment with no restrictions on use of income.
  • Loan Funds - Funds used to loan money to students or staff.

Restricted Gifts: Current Operations

Restricted Gifts for Current Operations are outright gifts for current operations that the donor has restricted for use in a particular academic division of the institution - such as a College of Medicine, School of Law, or Department of English - but upon which no further restriction has been placed. Due to survey changes starting in 2022, restricted gifts for Other includes gifts for Library, Public Service, Operations and Maintenance of Plant, and Student Life.




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Restricted Gifts: Endowment

This section uses data from the full version (as opposed to the minimal version) of the VSE and is an optional question. If an institution did not answer this question, their data will not populate for these charts. Your Self-Selected Peer Median for Income-Restricted gifts to Endowments may not match the Median shown for Philanthropic Support by Purpose, as this data may not contain results from all peers. Due to survey changes starting in 2022, restricted gifts for Other includes gifts for Library, Public Service, Operations and Maintenance of Plant, and Student Life.




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