Catherine Wiggins

Catherine Wiggins

Assistant Vice President, Leadership Giving and Presidential Engagement
University of South Carolina


Catherine Wiggins is a skilled fundraiser with more than 18 years of experience raising gifts at the major, principal, and leadership giving levels at the University of South Carolina. She has worked her way through all levels of the fundraising paradigm at USC beginning as an Assistant Director of Development, a Director of Development, Chief Development Officer for a unit and then moved over to the central development program as a principal gift officer and now Assistant Vice President leading all of the leadership giving and presidential engagement efforts. The University of South Carolina just celebrated their best fundraising year since 2017, closed a $30m college-naming leadership gift, and have developed a new model of focusing on leadership giving to lead into their next capital campaign. Catherine holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of South Carolina and a master's degree in Sport and Entertainment Management. She additionally is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management and teaches courses on live entertainment management. She is happily married with a teenager and a toddler that keep her busy outside of the office.