Through the Global Individual Achievement Awards, CASE celebrates the very best ideas, innovations, and impacts on the profession of educational advancement. Individuals and institutions receiving global recognition have made long-standing, far-reaching contributions to the field.
Nominations for global awards are reviewed and affirmed by the CASE Board of Trustees. Global awards are bestowed only when an individual or institution of truly singular accomplishment or impact emerges.
CASE celebrates the leadership, innovation, and impact of advancement professionals from different lived experiences. As in all its initiatives, CASE values inclusivity, and therefore, the Individual Achievement Awards actively seek the broadest possible set of nominations from institutions and individuals across the globe.
Three long-standing, named awards have been modified to become the CASE global individual achievement awards.
Inquiries and suggestions for global CASE celebration can be directed to Brett Chambers at
Learn about the CASE Global Individual Achievement Awards:
The John Lippincott Award for Global Advancement and Support of Education
The John Lippincott Award for Global Advancement and Support of Education celebrates an individual who has made significant contributions to CASE and to building and growing the advancement profession globally. The award is named in tribute to CASE's longest serving president, John Lippincott.
The E. Burr Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award
The E. Burr Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates individuals who, through their professional accomplishments and long-time service, have made a significant and lasting impact on the profession and their colleagues.
The James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education
The James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education celebrates individuals, foundations, and corporations for their extraordinary global impact on education, beyond service to a single institution. This award was named, in 1986, in tribute to CASE’s second president, James L. Fisher.