Championing Advancement
CASE 2022-2027 Strategic Plan
Dispatch from 2027
Key Focus Areas
Vision, Mission, and Values
Read CASE CEO & President Sue Cunningham's Column
Download the Championing Advancement: CASE 2022-2027 PDF
Educational institutions operate in an environment distinguished by rapid economic change and disparate views of the role and quality of education. Support varies dramatically from country to country and region to region and can be affected by the ups and downs of the local economy and by public perception of how well an institution fulfills its mission and serves the needs of its community.
In that context, a strong and effective advancement operation plays an ever more important role in sustaining institutional health and vitality. Professionals in educational advancement—fundraising, alumni relations, marketing and communications, and advancement services—are committed to the success of the institutions they serve, building on an understanding of the principles, standards, strategies, and techniques of the advancement disciplines. Serving schools, colleges, universities, and related institutions worldwide, CASE is the preferred strategic partner and professional home for advancement professionals worldwide.
CASE stands as the undisputed leader in educational advancement.

As part of our process to implement the Reimagining CASE 2017–2021 strategic plan, CASE underwent a governance transition that resulted in a more coherent, manageable structure with one fiduciary board plus regional councils and district cabinets representing members in all parts of the world.
Building on the ambitious achievements of Reimagining CASE 2017–2021, a strategy informed by the voices of more than 2,500 members and volunteers, CASE leadership began the development of a new strategic plan. Grounded in a review of the value that we have provided for decades and an analysis of what advancement professionals in education need now and will need in the future, we underwent a recalibration process that led to our new strategic plan, Championing Advancement: CASE 2022–2027. This plan centers on the steps necessary to achieve our strategic intent: defining the competencies and standards for the profession of advancement, and leading and championing their dissemination and application across the world’s educational institutions.
So, what is strategic intent? In simple terms, our strategic intent is about building on assets CASE already possesses and taking them to a new level of impact and success.
Through these efforts, we will transition from providing a menu of many different and separate offerings to fully embracing a member-oriented approach that provides a clear and coherent framework for an advancement professional’s career journey—including critical training, diversity resources, data, research, and advocacy for the sector. We have many of the pieces already in place with our CASE Global Reporting Standards, Statement of Ethics, Principles of Practice, Competencies Model, surveys, and numerous services developed over years.
At the same time, there is considerable and intentional work required over the coming months and years to combine and refine what we do to provide the resources every advancement professional, and institution needs to succeed.
We now have a tremendous opportunity to provide leadership in fostering and stewarding the professional advancement community, supported by a coherent Career Journey Framework and a defined body of standards and benchmarks. Our history, reputation, and membership place us in the unique position to confidently own this space.
Our vision is more relevant than ever: advancing education to transform lives and society.
Our mission remains firm: As a catalyst for advancing education worldwide, we inspire, challenge, and equip communities of professionals to act effectively and with integrity to champion the success of their institutions.
We embrace our values enthusiastically: We value professional excellence, integrity, and respect for our community of volunteers and staff as partners, stakeholders, and leaders. We aspire to be bold, agile, and innovative. And we are committed, in all that we do, to being collaborative and inclusive and to embracing diversity.
We are continuing on a path for success in the future with a member-oriented business model and clear priorities setting the foundation for our work. The global pandemic has not changed our path—but it has accelerated our desire to seize the opportunity that we have before us and to boldly assert our direction as we embrace the promise of our vision, mission, and values.