The U.S./Canada region includes 50 states and two territories in the USA and ten provinces and three territories within Canada. These institutions are served through the Washington, D.C., office which also serves as the headquarters of the global CASE organization.
CASE was initially founded in 1974 for the exclusive service to these members before The Evolution of CASE into its current model as a global organization. A unique feature of the U.S./Canada region is the eight geographic-based districts; led by volunteer boards that were part of the original structure when the organization was founded.
Approximately 80 percent of CASE member institutions are located within the U.S./Canada region. The staff in Washington, D.C., plan more than 80 conferences and special programs a year to service this large portion of the membership. In addition, the U.S./Canada region has implemented mentoring, graduate education training, ASAP, awards recognition and many other initiatives to support the four pillars of CASE’s strategic plan: Talent Management, Thought Leadership, Member Engagement and Global Impact.
CASE Districts:
U.S./Canada is divided into eight regional districts each district has a volunteer board of directors to oversee operations, programming, and services.
CASE Insights on Voluntary Support of Education [United States] 2022 Report
CASE Insights on Voluntary Support of Education (VSE), 2022
Based on results from the CASE Insights VSE survey, this publication is the 65th edition of the definitive source of data on U.S. higher education fundraising outcomes and investment. The report is in digital format and can also be downloaded as a PDF. Individual institution data pages are not included in the report. CASE members can download the data pages from the CASE Insights data portal.
Author: Ann E. Kaplan
Editor: Kimberly Kane

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