About CASE
What We Do
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the global nonprofit association dedicated to educational advancement—alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and advancement services—and championing education to transform lives and society.
To fulfill their missions and to meet both individual and societal needs, colleges, universities and independent schools rely on and therefore must foster the goodwill, active involvement, informed advocacy and enduring support of alumni, donors, prospective students, parents, government officials, community leaders, corporate executives, foundation officers, and other external constituencies.
CASE helps its members build stronger relationships with all of these constituencies in a number of ways.
Vision, Mission, and Values
Our Vision is Simple:
Advancing education to transform lives and society. Read Championing Advancement, our 5-Year Strategic Plan
Our Mission is Mighty:
As a catalyst for advancing education worldwide, we inspire, challenge, and equip communities of practitioners to act effectively and with integrity to champion the success of their institutions.
And Our Values are Deep:
We value excellence, integrity, and respect for our community of volunteers and staff as partners, stakeholders and leaders. We aspire to be bold, agile, and innovative. And we are committed, in all that we do, to be collaborative, inclusive, and embracing of diversity.
By bringing together experienced colleagues from around the world to address issues in the education sector, CASE provides an important perspective on the advancement challenges faced by schools, colleges, and universities.
Offering more than 140 conferences and workshops globally, along with webinars and digital curricula, CASE offers comprehensive advancement learning opportunities at every stage of one's career development.
- Conferences and Training
- Webinars and Books
- Internship and Graduate Training Programs
In a world that is increasingly driven by data, CASE sustains the most comprehensive set of surveys, studies, and resources in advancement.
Knowing that knowledge is power, and that sharing knowledge can be empowering, CASE offers opportunities for learning through communities, books, and our flagship Currents magazine.
As an organization focused on advancing education, CASE has taken responsibility for the development of guidelines and principles of practice for our members and the field at large.
To enable the success of educational institutions in a complex and challenging environment, CASE encourages a healthy exchange of ideas between public and private sector interests.