This is a profile picture of Colin Taylor

Colin Taylor, CFRE

Senior Consultant & Vice-President (Asia Pacific)
Global Philanthropic


Colin Taylor trained as a physicist, studying at ANU and the University of Western Australia. His doctoral and postdoctoral studies took him to the University of Tokyo to work on gravitational wave detection. After a scientific career, he changed direction to non-profit management and leadership, and ultimately to fundraising and institutional advancement. Along the way, he studied Cross-Sector Partnership with the University of Cambridge’s Programme for Industry, and a master’s degree in business administration (executive) with UNSW.

Taylor is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) and is an active member of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). He chaired the CASE Asia-Pacific Advancement Conference in 2015, was a member of CASE’s International Commission on Alumni Relations in 2017 and 2018 and has been recognised as a CASE Laureate.