Rising Together: Project Management in Advancement
We were a disjointed team, faced with everyday barriers: emails, meetings, and missed connections. Morale was plummeting fast. So, in true Dakota State fashion, we decided to UNITE together and RISE above our situation. We embarked on an upward journey into uncharted territory with an everything-in-one project management solution. We didn't map the whole climb at once - we continued to orient towards a common peak, a subsequent point, and course-correcting to higher sights. The journey continues, but it’s elevated visibility across fundraising, marketing, operations, and finance, all while strengthening collaboration campus-wide. In this lively session, we’ll:
1) Share field notes from lessons learned integrating a project management system (like Asana) into everything we do;
2)Spot familiar challenges other crews face;
3) See how the proper framework, patience, and humor help to seamlessly navigate complexity.
*We will suggest variations for big and small shops; and options from budget to enterprise systems. The takeaways are moldable to anyone, anywhere, ready to set sail!