Onboarding for Retention and Culture: A Case Study
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM PT
Speaker(s): Nancy Jackson, Founding Partner, Generous Change, Matthew White, Vice President Advancement/President of the USU Foundation, Utah State University
Elective Session
Session Description: To diversify our talent pool in university fundraising, we know we have to appeal to people with transferrable skills. Fortuitously, smaller hiring pools are encouraging just that. New hires require a different kind of training. Even when university fundraisers are hired, in the new hybrid environment, it can be a challenge to build cultures of trust, belonging, and high production. Utah State partnered with Generous Change to create a new onboarding program with step-by-step how-to's for "the Utah State Way," and culture and belonging were built intentionally from the beginning. Hear results and learn how to build your own.