Timetable provisional and may change.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM CET
Elevating Advancement
Speakers: Clive Watkins, Advancement Director, American School of Paris
Elective Session
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM CET
Adopt a Tree: Campaign within a Campaign
Speakers: Michaela Seeger, Director of Community Relations, Zurich International School, Dave Shepherd, Founder and Principal, Shepherd Consulting Group (Education)
Elective Session
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM CET
Case for Support at International Schools
Speakers: Crickett Kasper, Director, Schools, CASE, Clive Watkins, Advancement Director, American School of Paris, Siofra Rucker, Director of Advancement, American School of London
Elective Session
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CET
Fostering Lasting Connections: 5 ways to Welcome Your Class of 2024 to Your Alumni Community
Take the opportunity to introduce your alumni programme to your final year students, and complete that all-important step: collecting their contact details! Setting expectations for how you support alumni and plan to engage them will set you and your advancement team up for success.
Find out how schools across the ToucanTech community have worked with final year students to communicate the value exchange; sharing personal data to ensure they take full advantage of the opportunities available to them as members of their alumni networks.
Take away 5 tips on how to start building alumni (and parent) engagement, using your data to drive deeper connections and providing value for people at every life stage, to ensure a lasting relationship.
Speakers: Iona Mackay Bulger, Customer Director, ToucanTech, Amy Da Costa, Head of EMEA, ToucanTech
Elective Session
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CET
Strategies to Maximise Giving: Identifying Prospects and Upgrading Donors
The most fundamental component of any successful fundraising effort is having an inclusive pool of prospective donors. This session will take a deeper look into CCS’s strategies for both developing new prospects and elevating the relationship with existing donors. We will take you through the process of identifying those top prospects within your network, qualifying them, and ultimately segmenting them to determine how best to engage. Join us to learn how to raise your financial sights and maximise giving.
Speakers: Rosanna Moore, Senior Vice President, CCS
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