Leadership in a Changing World: Helping School Heads Thrive
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM ET
Speaker(s): Amada Torres, Vice President, Studies, Insights, and Research, National Association of Independent Schools
Competencies: Strategic ThinkingLeadership
Elective Session
Independent schools are facing a new landscape punctuated by rapid changes in the demographic, economic, and social composition of their student and parent populations. New forms of competition have also emerged providing alternative options for high-quality education. The COVID-19 pandemic and many overlapping crises over the past few years have added an additional layer of complexity to the job, resulting in emotional and physical strain for some school leaders. What skills do independent schools leaders need to succeed in today’s environment? What does the leadership pipeline look like? This session will explore national trends in leadership, key needs of today’s heads, and strategies to support leaders.