Why Do We Gather? Reinventing Your Fundraising Events
Building community through fundraising and special events is a fundamental practice for many independent schools. But how often do we take a step back to analyze these events, how they build community, how they raise funds, and ultimately, why we host them? In order to best serve and engage our constituents, we must examine both the how and the why we gather, and ultimately, find the place where our fundraising efforts are maximized, and our constituents are the most engaged. This session will take participants through a series of questions and topics to analyze and workshop their own school’s events while using the case study of The Fay School, a Primary – 5th Grade school, and their innovative approach to reinvent their annual fundraising gala into an event that utilizes campus resources, incorporates parent and community businesses and relationships, and further reinforces a sense of belonging within their school culture. While The Fay School’s story will be shared as an example, the emphasis of the session will engage participants in examining their own institutions and will give them the tools to completing an event audit for their school.