Storytelling and the Big "Fundable" Ideas Workshop
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM PST
Speaker(s): Heather Colwell, Executive Advisor, Development, University Advancement,, McMaster University, Maureen MacDonald, Dean, Faculty of Science, McMaster University
Elective Session
If you are a Dean or a faculty member, you likely have a big vision for what you want to achieve through your tenure or through your research. If you're a Development Officer, you've likely heard some "unfundable" ideas along the way. This interactive workshop will offer some opportunity to get feedback and test your big ideas with others before you hit the road and share your vision with your alumni and community. Is your narrative compelling? Can you capture the vision and ambition in a memorable way? Can you engage your listener through storytelling to move them to action? All this questions will be addressed in this interactive workshop.