Gift Management & Donor Relations- Take it or leave it? An Interactive Look at Donation Acceptance
Who should your organisation accept funding from? Who should it refuse? How do you build a robust acceptance process which is not a barrier to fundraising? This is your chance to step into the role of decision maker and have the final say on accepting and refusing donations.
Join the experienced Donation Acceptance team from Save the Children, one of the largest international non-governmental organisations, and the Due Diligence Manager from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), for an interactive look at donation and funding acceptance. We will look at what universities can learn from NGOs and vice versa, and how Save the Children and LSE have built their due diligence processes. Most importantly we’ll be handing over to you to make your own decisions on tricky fundraising scenarios, discussing the ethical implications involved in accepting or rejecting donations from areas of potential concern.
Learn how you can protect your organisation with a robust gift acceptance and rejection policy and process to enable partnering with high-risk donors while still protecting independence and reputation.