Audio and the Art of the Three-Dimensional (and Not Dead!) Magazine
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET
Speaker(s): Tamar Avishai, creator & host of The Lonely Palette podcast and co-founder, Hub & Spoke Audio Collective, Patrick Mitchell, creator & host, Print Is Dead (Long Live Print!) podcast and Sibley award-winning designer, Modus Operandi Design (MO.D)
How do we tell stories that resonate? We’re used to print as a medium for conveying narrative that will invite empathy and evoke images, but the intimacy of the human voice can also bring this all to life. Audio can fill in the breath of a comma, the hesitance of a question mark, and put a voice to a name. The speed with which podcasts have infiltrated media speaks (quite literally) to their value, and also, as we’re seeing, their limitations. This talk will explore why we’ve chosen to make audio, what goes into creating a podcast, what they can bring to the listener, and how they can work as one of many tools in the kit to achieve resonance.