Closing Plenary: Collaborative Teams The Keynote
From Good Intentions to Business as Usual: Designing a Culture of Collaboration
In most teams and organisations, we typically set out with the greatest intentions for collaboration. We know why we should do it. As social creatures, we (usually) want to do it. We even know how to do it. So, why do we start… and then stop?
Many teams and projects start out with excellent collaboration efforts. And yet it’s predictable for many that once we get busy, individualism and silos creep back in. And so we start back over again, declaring that we ought to collaborate more. The cycle repeats.
In this talk, CEO and coach, Tracy Playle explores what it really takes to create a culture of collaboration in your teams and organisations that will actually transform the way that you work, and last. We’ll explore why successful collaborations have nothing to do with another new technology, more meetings, or frequent brainstorming sessions. Instead, we’ll look at what it takes to design a shared purpose and lay the foundations of trust, psychological safety, openness, creativity, connection, accountability and conflict resolution needed to make collaborations last and thrive.