Declan Sweeney

Declan Sweeney

Director & Co-Founder


Declan is the Co-Founder of CampusConnect, a student peer community that helps students connect with peers they share commonality with (same programme, accommodation, region, interests etc.) in the weeks and months before they enrol and set foot on campus.

Declan is focussed on maximising value for universities and individual student members across all the communities developed for institutional partners in Ireland and the UK. This involves developing new approaches to community engagement, engaging and activating wider stakeholders and members of the university community to participate, and linking community data back to institutional KPI's and business objectives.  

Declan is a masters qualified language education graduate with 15 years’ experience working in international student recruitment in third level education universities in the UK and Australia. He is also a graduate of the Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers Business programme.