Elizabeth Rantzen

Elizabeth Rantzen



Elizabeth is a trustee of the 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust, which has been a major supporter of the University of Warwick since the foundation was created almost 70 years ago.  Alongside a career spanning private and public sectors, she has been involved in charities since 1989 when, newly returned from INSEAD business school in France, she joined the board of a small homelessness charity.  Since then she has held trusteeships in a range of social justice and arts organisations, as well as several grant-making trusts.  Current board roles include The Prison Reform Trust and Awards for Young Musicians.  Until 2004 she built her non-profit career in parallel with her paid employment, but she then moved out of commerce almost entirely.  For nine years she was director of the J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trust, until it closed its doors in 2016 after “spending out”.  She regularly lectures in charity governance and fundraising.  She is a non-executive director of an NHS mental health trust and her day job is as a member of the Parole Board.