Eugene Lee

Eugene Lee

Assistant Director of the Advancement Office
Singapore University of Social Sciences


Since 2011, Eugene joined the Nanyang Technological University as a fundraiser. He set up the Business & Community Partners (BCP) Programme, targeting primarily Small and Medium Enterprises, as well as clans, associations and religious organisations. Through the 11 years there, the annual-giving programme brought over 900 donors to the university. Serving as a feeder programme, he cultivates the donors and converts them into major gift donors, getting a constant supply of major gift donors yearly.

Came 2023, Eugene joined the Singapore University of Social Sciences as Assistant Director of the Advancement Office. At SUSS, Eugene raises funds for the School of Law and the School of Business. Understanding the needs of his students, he also focuses on raising funds for study grants, believing that a good university education is the way to bail families out of the poverty cycle.