Eva Kyryacou

Eva Kyriacou

CASE Graduate Trainee at UCL


My name is Eva Kyriacou and I am the CASE Graduate Trainee at UCL for 2021/2022. I studied Molecular Cell Biology at the University of York, completing a four-year Integrated Masters degree that allowed me to explore multiple, fascinating areas of Biology while refining key research and data analytical skills. As someone who loves to keep busy, I took on many extracurricular activities too. I am a keen netball player; I was a sports representative for my college at York and I dedicated many hours to volunteering for both Yorkshire-based and national charities.

A Londoner born and bred; I have now returned to the big smoke to join the wonderful Advancement team at UCL. I aim to harness my logic-based and data-focussed working style along with the problem solving and analytical skills I have acquired as a STEM student to make me a valuable member of the team this year. 
I will definitely carry-on playing netball and I have recently enjoyed bouldering so would like to explore that more.