Henry Taylor

Henry Taylor

Vice President for University Advancement
Golden Gate University


Henry W. Taylor has served as the Vice President for University Advancement at Golden Gate University (GGU) since September, 2021. He leads the Division of University Advancement (UA) including the Offices of Advancement Communications, Alumni Engagement, Annual Giving, Development and Advancement Services. Henry works closely with GGU’s president, executive team, board of trustees and Alumni Association to fulfill UA’s mission to “sustainably increase the interest, involvement and investment in the mission and impact of Golden Gate University.” Prior to joining GGU, he led the fundraising efforts as Senior Director of Development at Agnes Scott College, managing the Office of Development and secured $34M+ for FY20 & FY21 including the best fundraising year in college history of $21.1M in FY20 and highest annual fund total in college history of $2.9M+ in FY21. Henry managed theOffices of Annual Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Development Research and Prospect Management, Donor Relations and Stewardship, and Leadership and Legacy Giving including supervision of 13 professional staff.

Previous to Agnes Scott College, Henry led his own advancement consulting firm, Legacy Consulting Group as Founder and Managing Partner, where he provided best practice advancement guidance and effort to support effective fundraising, constituent relations, marketing/communications and non-profit management for consulting clients. He consulted with organizational leaders regarding board development, diversity and advancement trends and serves as a professional development speaker on topics including fundraising, diversity, leadership and non-profit management.