Jessica Patterson

Jessica Patterson

Digital Content Manager
University of Alabama


As a Digital Content Manager at the University of Alabama Culverhouse College of Business, Jessica excels in crafting compelling narratives and visually engaging content for the college's online platforms. Her academic journey includes her current pursuit of an Doctorate in Higher Education Administration, complemented by a BS in Marketing and an MA in Communication from The University of Alabama.

In her role, Jessica oversees the strategic planning, creation, and publication of digital content, utilizing her expertise in social media strategy and content creation. She has a proven track record of significantly increasing social media impressions and engagements, effectively connecting with students, faculty and staff, and external stakeholders.

In her previous roles, Jessica focused on brand generation and alignment, she implemented innovative strategies that not only increased audience reach but also fostered a strong brand identity for the clients she served. Her standout specialty lay in her ability to adapt emerging trends to the higher education niche, ensuring that the digital presence of educational institutions remained current and engaging.

In her former life, Jessica twirled as a Crimsonette in the Million Dollar Band! Her love for cheering on the Tide stands strong thus driving her enthusiasm for showcasing the unique stories and achievements of the institution.