NancyJo Houk

NancyJo Houk

Chief Marketing and Development Officer
American Indian College Fund


NancyJo Houk oversees a team dedicated to transforming Native communities through education by designing and implementing new ways of inspiring constituent engagement and giving. She led the College Fund through rebranding and incorporating functional changes, including new messaging, a new organizational framework, and implementing engagement/revenue-generating strategies required to achieve organizational growth.

Houk has a bachelor’s degree in business and communications with an emphasis in public relations and management from Regis University. She has 30 years of non-profit management, marketing, and development experience, including The Women’s Foundation of Colorado, TelecomPioneers, the National MS Society, Alzheimer’s Association, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. She was featured in the Chronicle of Philanthropy for developing cutting-edge donor acquisition strategies (the original peer-to-peer fundraising approach) and has given presentations on constituent engagement and direct marketing at national conferences.