Natasha Bowness

Natasha Bowness BEc, CA, GAICD

Wilbow Group


Natasha Bowness is Chair of Wilbow Group, a private family investment group operating in Australia and the United States of America, whose activities include property development and financing, listed and unlisted investments and private equity.

Bowness has a long association with philanthropy through chairing of the Bowness Family Foundation, as a member of the Zoos Victoria Foundation Advisory Board, president of The Australian Ballet’s Annual Giving Program and as member of the Monash University Campaign Council. She has a strong interest in arts and culture, has been involved in supporting Australian Ballet philanthropic initiatives for many years and serves as chair of the Monash Gallery of Arts Committee of Management. She has a strong commitment to social justice through BFFs support of education and disability programmes and is a member of the University of Queensland Young Achievers Program Advisory Committee.