5 Self-Care Habits to Improve Your Performance
The more responsibilities you have at your job, the likelier you are to be working hard and not taking good care of yourself. However, self-care can boost your productivity and fuel your success. As Ginni Saraswati writes in Entrepreneur.com, there are five self-care habits you can adopt that will help your wellness and your career.
Nourish your body. To perform at your best, you need a balanced diet that includes healthy and nourishing foods. You also should be well hydrated, so drink plenty of water during the day.
Prioritize sleep. Being well rested boosts your creativity and overall health. Don’t skimp on sleep because that’s when your brain recharges.
Set work-life boundaries. It’s easy to let work creep into your home life, but it is detrimental to your mental health and your ability to recharge. Set clear expectations of when you are working and when you are not.
Take regular breaks. Whether you always take a walk at lunchtime or have a fifteen-minute coffee break, you will benefit from scheduling breaks from work.
Outsource or delegate. You can’t do everything. Finding resources to help with certain tasks frees up your time and energy.
Read more at 5 Self-Care Habits of Every Successful Entrepreneur.