CASE Insights Benchmarking Cohorts
CASE Insights benchmarking cohorts connect you with colleagues to discuss the stories behind the data. Groups are topical in nature and participation fees include both a strategic benchmarking report and two attendees at the in-person session.
Why Join?
- Justify overall advancement investments.
- Build collaboration within your team and with other key leaders from member institutions
- Collective problem solving for your key issues, such as defining and capturing meaningful engagement (Alumni Engagement Cohort).
- Follow best practices established by CASE volunteers when you benchmark using CASE member-defined data points.
- Shape content of future sessions and cohort-specific research, as a result of member needs and industry changes.
- Build a repository of peer-to-peer quantitative and qualitative benchmarking data.
Upcoming Benchmarking Cohorts:
Insights on Alumni Engagement
- Limited to 15 to 20 institutions/schools
- 2 attendees per institution/school
- Location TBD
- Late spring (with CASE-hosted dinner to follow)
The goal of the session is to use benchmarking data to spur conversations on meaningful
engagement, share successful strategies, and help build industry best practices. Open to a global audience.