CASE President & CEO Sue Cunningham’s End of Year Message
I wish you the very best for the festive season that is upon us. I am in awe of all you have done this year to support students, research, and your communities. Thank you for your support of each other and CASE throughout this year.
I am excited to see what 2021 brings, particularly with news of a vaccine for COVID-19. Congratulations to those of you and to your institutions where breakthroughs were made to support the vaccines and for the myriad other ways you contributed through the pandemic. I look forward to how we may build upon the innovations at our institutions and in advancement. I am eager to share our new Global Reporting Standards which will debut in March, to engage with you virtually, and hopefully in person, at some point in the year.
Be well, be safe, and thank you for the remarkable work, vision, and passion that you bring every day to transform lives and society. I hope we can be together again in 2021.
Sue Cunningham
CASE President & CEO