The Power of Optimism
Success is tied to positive energy, and optimism is contagious. Learn how to cultivate positive energy in the workplace.
In a recent Fast Company article, Tony Safoian writes, “For one, optimistic employees are ‘all in’ when it comes to effort. Research proves this: Optimistic employees are 103% more inspired to give their best effort at work.”
Here are three ways to nurture optimism at work:
Make optimism part of your hiring criteria. “Look for initial signals of excitement, a sense of purpose, and an awareness of why they want to work at your company,” declared Safoian. “You want people who are multipliers—people who work toward solutions.”
Optimists work to expand their circle of influence. “Your circle of influence includes the things you can do something about, while your circle of concern encompasses things you have no direct control over,” added Safoian. “Optimists focus their time and energy on the factors they can control.”
Think solutions, not complaints. “Optimists still complain sometimes—but there’s a high degree of ‘solutioning,’ collaborating, and suggesting within the complaint,” mentioned Safoian. “A team should work to isolate an issue with the purpose of solving a problem rather than simply venting.”
In the long run, optimism is a guiding principle that over time accumulates positive results to build a stronger organization.
For more, read “The power of optimism in the workplace.”