Sheila Edwards Lange
Seattle Central College
Dr. Edwards Lange has served as president of Seattle Central College since August 2015. She has a wide range of experience in higher education administration and has been a leading advocate for diversity and inclusion throughout her career. Prior to assuming the leadership position at Seattle Central, she served as vice president for Minority Affairs and vice provost for Diversity at the University of Washington (UW). In these roles, she was responsible for increasing diversity and working with senior leadership to improve the campus climate and retention of diverse students, faculty and staff.
Dr. Edwards Lange has served on a number of national, state and local committees and boards to advance educational excellence and inclusion. She is a charter member of the National Association of Chief Diversity Officers; and a past president of the Women in Engineering and Program Advocates Network (WEPAN). Most recently she serves on the boards of the Seattle Art Museum, Washington Campus Compact and the Alliance for Education.
She is the recipient of numerous awards including the University of Washington's 2005 Diversity Award for Community Building, a 2011 Puget Sound Business Journal Woman of Influence, and the 2013 UW College of Education Distinguished Graduate Award.