Susie Balch

Susie Balch

Associate Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement
New York University Abu Dhabi


Susie is a 33-year Advancement veteran and experienced leader in higher education.  Over the course of her career, she led on the development and delivery of organizational strategy, global vision and mission, and the development of institutional ambition to underpin transformation.  She has led multiple advancement teams, delivering development and alumni relations programming for academic institutions across multiple countries.

With a proven track record in fundraising, she has been involved in 4 comprehensive campaigns, leading the effort on three, with goals totaling more than $600 million.  Susie has extensive experience with cross cultural and global relationship management.  Her work has included roles in the US at Harvard, in the UK at London Business School, and currently as the new Associate Vice Chancellor at NYU Abu Dhabi.

Susie is committed to the importance of people and relationships in advancement work and often cites the following quote from G.T. Smith … “Donors don’t give to institutions. They invest in ideas and people in whom they believe.”

Her relationship with CASE started in the early 90’s as an active member of CASE District I.  More recently she served as the inaugural Chair of the CASE UK & Ireland Cabinet before moving to Abu Dhabi.