Andrew P. Daire

Andrew P. Daire

Dean, School of Education
Virginia Commonwealth University


A driven and enthusiastic leader, Dr. Andrew P. Daire joined the VCU School of Education as its new dean in June 2016.

Daire came to VCU from the University of Houston, where he served as the College of Education’s associate dean for research for nearly two years. His resume also includes more than 25 years of experience in higher education, 13 of which came at the University of Central Florida, where he co-founded the university's Marriage and Family Research Institute, also served as the College of Education’s associate dean for research, among other accomplishments. A prolific researcher and scholar, Daire has received over $16 million in external funding to support his research in family stability and mobility with economically marginalized couples and families and his secondary research interest in career development STEM recruitment and retention. He remains research and scholarly active in these areas through refereed and scholarly publications and presentations along with being a Senior Fellow in the Consortium for Family Strengthening Research.

Combining an academic and clinical background in counseling and psychology with expertise in research, Daire's style of transformative leadership emphasizes personal and professional development, and motivating faculty, staff and students towards excellence, innovation and impact in their work every day.

A big believer in the value of community engagement as well, Daire believes research and instruction are at their best (and most innovative) when focused on serving the public, particularly those most in need.