The Daily Gospel Reflection: Spiritual Engagement for Alumni, Parents and Friends
Year: 2018
Award Level: Bronze
Award Winner(s): University of Notre Dame
Award: Circle of Excellence
Category: Alumni Relations | Program for Special Constituencies
Since 2012, the Notre Dame Alumni Association has been providing its alumni and friends with faith-based content to strengthen and further their relationship with Notre Dame. The cornerstone of that outreach is the Daily Gospel Reflection, a digital communication that reaches over 70,000 people each day of the year. Each morning, subscribers receive an email containing that day's reading, a related reflection written by a member of the Notre Dame family, a prayer penned by a Holy Cross priest, and a profile of the day's saint. The Daily Gospel Reflection continues to evolve over time, and it has recently experienced successful innovation, significant subscriber growth, and new and emerging types of interactions with its readership.