Blazing New Trails: The Marquette University Alumni Association Mentor Program
From the Nominator
When it comes to career discernment prior to college graduation, students have a seemingly endless list of questions. For students, it’s not always clear where to go for answers, or even where to start. Enter the Marquette University Alumni Association Mentor Program, a high-touch, one-to-one match with student mentees and alumni mentors locally and coast to coast based upon major and career alignment.
Program interest by student mentees and alumni mentors has been extraordinary in just six years, as evidenced by the initiative’s 330% growth, an annual waiting list for alumni participation, and student mentee interest peaking annually, including a record 250 applicants for 130 opportunities in 2018-2019. Along with a 100% program approval and 90% of mentees and mentors annually completing their goals, university advancement (which houses the alumni association) and the university overall have netted significant results through the initiative.
From the Judges
This program, something done by many institutions across the country, had such impressive outcomes that we couldn't pass it over for an award. The satisfaction ratings and quantitative data on their program attendees demonstrate that the program is working. It is great that it is very integrated with advancement and they are seeing gifts from those participating.