What is philanthropy?
From the Nominator
In an inspiring and thought-provoking video called ‘What is philanthropy?’, Deakin asks some of its generous donors, talented researchers and grateful scholarship recipients “What does philanthropy mean to you?" Our goal was to create a film that was poignant, thought-provoking and a true representation of the giving community at Deakin. Its aim was not to solicit or fundraise, but to simply share the motivations of our donors and how philanthropy changes the lives of Deakin University students and researchers.
From the Judges
In Deakin University’s “What is philanthropy?” entry, they found a unique way to do a multi-story perspective. The simplicity of the white-room setting, music and interview question provided a focused theme that was well received by the judges. This approach made the viewer focus on the question at hand, and the responses, without distraction. Asking the philanthropy question at the end of the video was a thought-provoking way to keep the viewer engaged even after the video concludes. It also opens the door for fundraising staff to share the video and follow-up with the viewer on their thoughts about philanthropy—a great conversation starter. The use of graphics was also technically done well.