Ideas that Matter: The UCI School of Humanities Case Statement
From the Nominator
To support the public launch of the University of California, Irvine's $2-billion fundraising campaign and the role of the School of Humanities within it, we created a printed case statement that defined the school's research areas, positive impact on society, and funding priorities. Focused intently on answering "why does the work you do matter?", every page distills complex humanities research into impact-driven sound bites meant to inspire current and prospective supporters' awe, connection, and urgency in supporting further research.
From the Judges
The University of California, Irvine met the criteria with flying colors—from creativity, content, writing, and editing to design and print quality. The case statement brochure is colorful and fun with art to match the concepts on each page. We thought they did an excellent job distilling the different themes and using those as a roadmap through the wide range of knowledge in the humanities. We liked how they used questions to guide the piece—invoking future research and direction for the fundraising campaign rather than proving what they had already done. The interactivity of this piece is unique.