The Next 100: The Centennial Campaign
From the Nominator
"In anticipation of The Centennial of The Webb Schools, and armed with a historic planned gift intention, Webb publicly launched a comprehensive campaign four times greater than any previous campaign, with the goal of becoming a global center for unbounded education.
On October 23, 2021, Head of Schools Taylor Stockdale announced that an alumnus had made a future estate commitment to The Centennial Campaign of at least $100 million for the perpetuation of excellence in teaching and learning at The Webb Schools. It is one of the largest gifts ever to an educational institution and the largest gift to an independent school west of the Mississippi.
At the same time, Mr. Stockdale shared that additional gifts and pledges of more than $70 million had been raised to achieve three major objectives:
1) Open Webb to the World
2) Foster Academic Innovation through Unbounded Thinking and Academic Partnerships
3) Transform Our Campus Home
Our goal is to raise $200 million or more by June 30, 2025. Due to ongoing challenges with COVID-19, the campaign launch was held virtually and was made available across platforms. Webb partnered with an event platform (6Connex), a professional videographer (Midnight Hour Studios), website, editorial, and graphic design consultants, all to develop a global launch package viewed at
Inspired by the announcement, Webb added $9 million in gift commitments in the first six months of the fiscal year bringing the total raised to over $181 million to date."
From the Judges
We were impressed with how they creatively leveraged an anonymous future planned gift. The campaign content was outstanding and amplified the unique story of The Webb Schools.