"Timeline COVID-19: A year of working through the pandemic at CSU"
From the Nominator
"In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Colorado State University’s News and Media Relations team produced hundreds of stories involving COVID-19 in some shape or form. With the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, the team was faced with a challenge: How to share the past year in a strategic and effective way that highlighted leadership’s response to the pandemic, as well as the significant research produced by faculty.
The team worked together to identify key stories from the first year of the pandemic and create an interactive timeline that was optimized for mobile and desktop use. It produced high readership and highlighted the major successes of the University."
From the Judges
Very thorough timeline that worked well for mobile and desktop as described. Really demonstrated how much CSU has done in the battle against COVID. The timeline became its own story as it encompassed all others—clearly demonstrating depth and breadth.