Dune Restoration
From the Nominator
The story follows the successful efforts of a group of coastal ecologists to assess the natural processes that could protect Santa Monica's beach from the effects of sea-level rise. Through interviews with researchers based at University of California, Santa Barbara and UCLA, the writer pieced together not just the science (documented in their peer-reviewed study) but also their outreach efforts. She gathered impressions from the Santa Monica, Calif., community, as well as drone footage and photography from the scientists' six-year monitoring study. The story covered the science and raised the profile of the scientists doing important work. The article also shined a spotlight on the scientists' collaboration with the Santa Monica community, offering a model for potential solutions for coastal cities globally that face the same threat of sea-level rise. The story opened the door to several interviews with news agencies, and the Los Angeles Times invited the lead researcher to write an op-ed, which was also published in other newspapers.
From the Judges
This piece is well written, clear, educational, and compelling. It addresses the science behind a dune-restoration project and includes community viewpoints. The article takes care to highlight a fascinating collaboration between scientists and the community, offering innovative solutions for coastal resilience against sea-level rise. Impressed by the media coverage and resulting op-ed invitation, we believe this piece stands out. It effectively explores the project’s mission and potential, engaging a wider audience in the conversation about environmental protection and community involvement.