CASE-NAIS 2020 Elective Session Day 2
Day 2, Monday, January 13
4:00–5:15 PM
Alumnae Networking 2.0: The ABCs of Implementing a Career Networking Program
An alumni networking program is an outstanding addition to your school's offerings and is an unparalleled way to increase engagement, but where do you start? How do you grow your current program? Where can you find the time to make it all happen? This session takes you through the basics of establishing or expanding your career networking program through specific examples and case studies. Find out how teams of all sizes can run a program that will add value to your community and lead to increased alumni engagement.
Jen Malone, Advancement Associate; Carolyn Russell, Director of the Annual Fund; Jocelyn Sherman-Avidan, Associate Director of Alumnae; and Megan Tyre, Director of Alumnae, Greenwich Academy