CASE-NAIS 2020 Elective Session Day 2
Day 2, Monday, January 13
4:00–5:15 PM
Auditing Your Advancement Program: Why, When, and How?
Your advancement program could be better, but you're busy. How do you determine where it could improve and how to make it better? Where do you invest your time and energy and that of your board? Where do you start? What do you do to make sure the audit results in improvement? Learn how and when to conduct an advancement audit and how to get the most use out of it.
Alden F. Briscoe, Executive Vice President, Brakeley Briscoe Inc.; Liz Morrison, Head of School, Antilles School; Claire Starkey, President, Antilles School; and Anne C. Storch, Senior Consulting Associate, Brakeley Briscoe Inc.