CASE-NAIS 2020 Elective Session Day 2
Day 2, Monday, January 13
11:00–12:15 PM
? Strategic Leadership Toolkit: From Manager to Leader, Specialist to Generalist, and Builder to Architect.
Moving from team member to team leader is one of the hardest transitions to make. Often one is thrown into a new leadership position with little or no training or support. Sometimes, one wears many hats and may be both a leader and a follower depending on a particular role. Whether a school head, a department chair or a team member contemplating a leadership role, this session will provide tools and insight into navigating this transition. From considerations in learning to lead yourself to exploring ways to inspire and energize others, this session will have something for everyone and each participant will leave with practices and strategies that can be implemented now and in the future.
Laura S. Fisher, Senior Director, Strategy and Partnership, UPMC
Marion L. Couzens, Director of Institutional Advancement, Foxcroft School