CASE-NAIS 2020 Featured Session Day 3
Day 3, Tuesday, January 14
10:45 AM–NOON
Featured Session: The Power of Community: Alumni are Our Ambassadors
How can we best harness our volunteer communities to serve as ambassadors, furthering the mission of our schools? From a small shop to a big shop learn how our independent school alumni are our most powerful and vital asset. Alumni can electrify and ignite support for our schools, from near and afar. This session will highlight several scalable programs that have focused on building engagement in our next generation of volunteers and potential supporters. Hosted roundtable intensive discussions will drill down on ‘Recruiting Alumni Volunteers’, ‘Marquee Alumni Events’, ‘Young Alumni Engagement’, ‘Converting Engaged Alums to Alumni Donors’ and ‘Getting Alumni to Tell Their Stories’. Gain insight on how to create opportunities for your alumni to be your ultimate champions!
Noelehua Archambault, Vice President for Advancement, Punahou School; Margaret Douglas, Director of Advancement, Trinity School; and Elizabeth Oswald, Director of Institutional Advancement, The Cathedral School of St. John the Divine