CASE-NAIS 2020 Preconference Workshop
Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020
8:30–10:00 AM (Repeated 10:30 AM–NOON)
Working with the Media
Learn how to establish or enhance your institution's relationship with the media. Spend ninety minutes with veteran print and broadcast journalists as they discuss how they develop stories and work with people like you to report the news and then engage in small group discussions with each of the journalists.
In the first part of this workshop, you'll learn about the reporting process and the best ways to work with members of the media. In the second part of the workshop, you'll participate in four breakout sessions…three with each of the journalists and the fourth discussing media-relations scenarios that you bring to the table. Attendees will spend fifteen minutes in each of the four breakout sessions.
Everyone who has an interest in working with the media is welcome.
Facilitator: Kevin Ramsey, Director of Communications, Trinity School
Leslie Brody, Reporter, Wall Street Journal; Geraldine Moriba, Founder, Moriba Media; and Elissa Nadworny, Reporter/Editor, NPR Ed, NPR