Charlie Straw

Charlie Straw

CASE Graduate Trainee at Imperial College London


My name is Charlie Straw, and I am delighted to be joining the advancement team at Imperial College London. I recently graduated from Newcastle University with a first-class degree in Modern Languages (German and Japanese). In my third year at University, I studied at Dokkyo University near Tokyo. Although living in Japan challenged me, I enjoyed experiencing a new culture and forming lasting relationships with people from all over the world. 

I was an active member of the university community, volunteering to help students prepare for their study abroad programmes and representing my peers within the school as a course rep. I also volunteered as the treasurer of the Model United Nations Society which involved applying for grants from the Students’ Union and organising events for our members. Outside of university, I volunteer with the campaigns and policy teams at Parkinson’s UK, helping with national campaigns and leading local ones. My Dad has Parkinson’s, so I see first-hand the importance of this charity’s work. I hope that through my role as a CASE graduate trainee, I will have the opportunity to help support vital medical research into conditions such as Parkinson’s. 

Over the next year I want to gain a well-rounded understanding of advancement in higher education that will help me identify my strengths and preferences. I also hope to make good use of the training and mentoring provided by CASE and use the experience I get from the programme to progress in my career in the not-for-profit sector.