CASE District V Annual Conference Reunited Sessions
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“Is That What You Meant to Say?!” Developing Culturally Appropriate Messages
Advancement organizations are increasingly seeking to unlock the potential of engaging underrepresented communities of their alumni bases (BIPOC, LGBTQ, First Generation, etc.). Sometimes, despite best efforts to be inclusive, messages can be interpreted as culturally insensitive and/or tone deaf. It is critical to our organizations to effectively communicate our intended messages, but also understand that words and images have different meanings to varying communities. Session participants will experience and assess examples of such communications, and will develop tools to making outreach strategies more relevant to the intended audiences.
Justin M. Gibson, Program Director, Diversity Outreach & Engagement, University of Cincinnati
Alumni Association & Admission Partnership: More Than College Fair Assistance
The partnership between Alumni Relations and Admission has evolved over time. What once was a simple relationship with the Alumni Association offering names of volunteers for college fairs, has blossomed into a dynamic partnership between the two offices that has led to new, innovative ways for alumni and advancement staffs to assist Admission in recruiting, and yielding strong incoming classes. The partnership also supports advancement's goals of bringing in new volunteers and increasing their engagement with the institution. This session will feature ideas and programs from two different institutions which will lead to a broad range of discussion topics.
Mark D. Macechko, Senior Director, Alumni Relations; Bethany Perkins, Director of Admission; Andrew Boehm, Associate Director for Visits and Events; Tyler Bradshaw, Associate Director, Miami University; and Paul Seling, Assistant Director of Volunteer Engagement, The College of Wooster
Serving Alumni During a Crisis: Do What Your University Does Best
When COVID hit, Miami University decided to help alumni with what it does best: education. The Alumni Association partnered to create an online professional development course free to all alumni: the miniMBA. Conceived and launched in just under two months, the program had more than 7,000 initial registrants with more than half going on to complete the course. The panel will lead you through the process, from conception to marketing to using data to drive future revenue-generating online degree programs.
Panelists: Jaime Hunt, Vice President and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer; Kim Tavares, Executive Director, Alumni Association & AVP, University Advancement; and Julia Ward, Assistant Vice President, University Advancement, Miami University