CASE Guidelines for Company Engagement at Conferences
CASE welcomes the engagement and involvement of companies and firms that seek to do business with schools, colleges, and universities at CASE conferences. Many of these companies become CASE Educational Partners, paying an annual dues rate to CASE for additional visibility, resources, and connection with CASE and CASE members.
Educational Partners provide significant value as thought leaders and key supporters, enriching CASE conference programmes so that advancement professionals are exposed to varying perspectives and expertise. Additionally, many staff working at and/or leading Educational Partners began their careers as practitioners in the advancement field.
The guidelines below are designed to ensure consistency, transparency and fairness for companies interested in participating at CASE conferences around the globe. Through these guidelines, CASE staff will monitor activity across conferences and workshops to ensure that a variety of companies are represented.
If you have questions about these guidelines, please reach out to the CASE Corporate Relations team at
Code of Conduct
All companies interested in engaging with CASE and CASE conferences are required to follow the CASE Company Code of Conduct:
- They will promote the merits of their companies, without disparaging other companies or institutions.
- All their words and actions will embody respect for truth, honesty, fairness, free inquiry, and the opinions of others, treating all with equality and dignity.
- They will respect all individuals without regard to race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, or age.
- They will avoid any type of activities that might damage the reputation of CASE (by association).
- They will respect the rights of privacy of others and the confidentiality of information collected in the pursuit of their professional duties.
- They will avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest with CASE. View the CASE Statement on the Management of Conflicts of Interest.
Conference Session Proposals
CASE invites companies to submit programme session proposals for CASE conferences.
- CASE will seek to widely promote and distribute all conference calls for session proposals.
- CASE Educational Partners will receive additional notification of all call for session requests in the CASE Educational Partner online community.
- Calls for sessions will be posted and updated on the Conference Speaking Opportunities page of the CASE website.
- Companies submitting programme session proposals or presenting/speaking during a CASE conference are not required to be sponsors or exhibitors of the conference. However, all companies, whether sponsoring, exhibiting, or just speaking or attending a conference, are required to follow these guidelines and the CASE Company Code of Conduct listed above.
- Session proposals submitted by companies will be given equal consideration to session proposals submitted by practitioners.
- Calls for session proposals will include a question where a company can indicate whether their firm is a CASE Educational Partner. Conference planning committees will be made aware of session proposals submitted by Educational Partners.
- It is highly recommended that companies submit session proposals that include representatives from CASE member institutions or other practitioner voices. In circumstances where a session submitted by a company does not include current practitioners, CASE will review session content (PPT slides, outline, handouts, etc.) prior to the session to ensure the focus is on thought leadership and/or best practice.
- Upon request, CASE will share written feedback with an Educational Partner about why their session proposal(s) was not selected by the conference planning committee.
- Showcase sessions will be limited to sessions developed by high-level conference sponsors.
- Product demonstration sessions will be limited to sessions developed by conference sponsors.
Presenting at Conferences
CASE conferences are enriched by the perspectives of leaders and staff working at companies and firms serving educational advancement. When presenting or speaking at conferences, company representatives should:
- Focus on session content versus service or product endorsement during programme sessions. Speakers should avoid sales pitches and advertising during these sessions.
- Refrain from negative or disparaging comments about other companies or CASE member institutions when participating in any conference sessions.
- If applicable, distribute relevant session handouts and/or business cards during programme sessions in which they are presenting or speaking. Note that distribution of marketing collateral, giveaways, etc. in programme session rooms or conference common areas is strictly prohibited. These items may only be shared by sponsors and exhibitors at exhibit booths/tables. Additionally, the placement of any banners or signage in conference rooms or common areas must be approved by CASE staff.
Exhibit Hall Guidelines
Exhibit halls are meant to foster connections between sponsors and exhibitors and conference attendees. CASE follows exhibiting guidelines developed by the International Association of Exhibition and Events (IAEE). The IAEE guidelines apply to all CASE conferences with sponsors/exhibitors.
Key aspects of the IAEE guidelines include:
- Booth sharing is not allowed. Only one sponsor or exhibitor per booth space.
- If a sponsor/exhibitor has a sister company or division to share a single booth space, only one company name will be listed as the exhibitor.
- Double booths will be allowed and encouraged if exhibit space is available to accommodate double booths and the sponsor or exhibitor pays for each booth. When more than one booth is purchased, the sponsor or exhibitor will receive benefits per booth. If a double booth is purchased, two sponsoring or exhibiting company names may be listed on the exhibitor listing.
- All exhibiting materials such as pop-ups, back-drops, etc. must remain in the exhibit space. No materials should expand into aisle space, nor should it interfere with another exhibitor’s space.
- Exhibitors should refrain from loud music, loud monitor streaming, etc., so as not to interfere with conversations with exhibiting neighbors.
- For security and liability purposes, all exhibitors, sponsors, and their participating staff need to be registered. All participants must wear and display their conference badge while in the exhibit hall, sessions, and all conference related programs.
- Badge sharing is not allowed. CASE provides an Exhibit Hall Only badge option for sponsor/exhibitor staff who plan to attend and participate in exhibit-hall only functions. Sponsor/exhibitor staff who are full registrants are welcome to attend sessions and all functions in and out of the exhibit hall/space.
Use of Conference Registration List
A major benefit of sponsoring or exhibiting at a CASE conference is access to the conference registration list. The list is intended to be a tool for networking and to allow sponsors and exhibitors to reach out to attendees via one-on-one personal communication. The list and its contents are the sole property of CASE.
Sponsor Events at Conferences
Many sponsors and exhibitors hold outside events (receptions, dinners, etc.) around CASE conferences. When scheduling these events, CASE encourages sponsors and exhibitors to confer with CASE staff to avoid programming conflicts with CASE conference sessions, events, and receptions. Requests to host sponsor/exhibitor events at the conference hotel or venue should be sent to CASE corporate relations staff.
Endorsed by the CASE Industry Advisory Council on 26 October 2023.