From Vision to Values: A Practical Workshop for Organizational Transformation
As a leader of an advancement organization, prepare yourself and your team to embark on the impactful journey of crafting new cultural values. Unlike traditional approaches, we'll be diving into a dynamic process that involves each member of your team actively. This isn't just about drafting values on paper; it's about infusing your shared mission into the very essence of your organization.
In this session, you'll be guided through the process of creating values tailored to your unique organizational identity. Imagine the impact of involving your team members in a collaborative dialogue that shapes the culture you aspire to cultivate.
This isn't a one-size-fits-all process – it's an opportunity for you to glean insights and strategies that you can adapt to your specific context. Whether you're leading your organization, a team, or peer to peer, the principles shared will empower you to foster a culture that aligns with your mission and resonates with your team.
Join me for a practical workshop that equips you with the tools to shape a collective vision. This isn't just about values; it's about empowering you to lead intentional cultural change within your organization that is not only well received, but is owned, embraced and lived out each day.