Collaboration Chronicles: A Case Study in Revenue Transformation
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM PST
Speaker(s): Karina Chow, Director, Advancement, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Katie Hearn, Senior Associate Director, Advancement - Faculty of Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Competencies: Strategic ThinkingRelationship Building
Elective Session
In this session, we will explore a real-world case study that demonstrates how collaboration, strategic planning, and effective stakeholder engagement can drive revenue growth and transform an organization. Imagine starting at a new organization raising just $600,000 a year and transforming it to a consistent $3 million a year in revenue after just 18 months.
We’ll explore the practical strategies that fueled our growth and how to create a collaborative relationship with Faculty and Advancement leadership. Join us to learn more about this journey where people power and relationships led to dramatic financial transformation!